Who we are

The « Foyer d’Epanouissement de la Jeunesse » or FEJ (Youth Development Center) was founded by the late Brother Auguste Chassagne, a member of the congregation of the Brothers of Sacred Heart in Haiti. April 29, 1978 has been retained as the official birthdate of the group, even though the meetings started months before.


The goal of FEJ is to create an environment where the Haitian youth can develop themselves on three levels: Spiritual (by becoming a fervent Christian), cultural (by being very involved in his/her culture) and physical (by practicing sports and leisure that can develop and regenerate the body).

Annual activities

Every year, FEJ used to have a spiritual retreat from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday. To commemorate grandiosely its anniversary, the group usually put together a two-day event with artistic presentation, mass, dinner and dance party. The group developed also the habit of organizing at least one day by the beach and a one-day excursion during the summer. The main summer activity was a week-long camp in Haiti’s countryside. FEJ also used to commemorate Mother’s day and Father’s day and to have its sharing day with the less fortunate on December 23. On December 24, the Christmas celebration included a mass, a cultural party, a dinner and a dance. This was a big event that no member would want to miss.

End of activities

The FEJ closed its doors around 1991 because of the political situation in Haiti and the increasing personal demands on the membership. Most members had reached adulthood and some even traveled abroad to pursue their academic studies. Even though the idea of a “FEJ junior” was in the air, the group opted to cease all activities.

The new FEJ (FEJ-United)

Upon learning of Brother Auguste’s passing on February 15, 2012, the members decided to offer him their last tribute and to be represented (as a group) at his funeral. This also proved to be a moment of inspiration as members around the world decided to continue the movement, in the memory of a man who had given so much to Haiti’s youth. FEJ became a non-profit organization incorporated in Florida in 2013. The members meet through conference calls over the phone and a big reunion was organized in Miami from April 27 to April 29 2013.  

The new version of FEJ honors the same values promoted by Brother Auguste Chassagne.

New structure

To pursue its objectives and as stipulated in its Articles of Incorporation, besides the restructured  Executive Committee composed of 7 members: a president, a vice-president, a secretary, an assistant secretary, a treasurer, an assistant- treasurer and a director of Communications and Public Relations elected for three years, three other  committees have been created: Fund-raising , Public  Relations & Marketing , and Assistance & Scholarships.

The FEJ intends to give scholarships to the students of the Brothers of Sacred Heart schools in Haiti and to create “Brother Auguste” prizes to students and teachers at these schools. FEJ intends also to assist some institutions related to the Brothers of Sacred Heart in Haiti and the population in certain communities in Haitian cities.

Chantal, a town located  in the Southern part of Haiti,  where Mr. Marc-Eddy Bellabe, a former teacher of the Canado-Haitian Secondary School, is helping the youth, has been chosen to be the first point of intervention of FEJ in Haiti. 

To reach its goals, the FEJ needs your help. Please don’t hesitate to send your financial assistance.

Our Organization

The Corporation is organized for the purpose of …

  • Promoting the development of spiritual, physical, social, cultural and family values among the Haitian youth.

  • Promoting human dignity by providing food, clothing and education to the needy in the Haitian youth population.

  Our anthem:

We, fejians of the center,

Center of youth

Let’s join our hands

As a sign of trust.

Sharing is our slogan.

Nothing divides us.

Knowledge, time, riches

At the service of the weak,

It’s our sign of wisdom.